On this page you can find all resources from the project Positive Mental Health in Youth Work (click here for more information)
Theoretical frameworks, practice brief, background reading and infographics:
- Framework for Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing in the European Youth Sector
- Practice Brief: A Framework for Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing in the European Youth Sector
- Building Blocks for Promoting Positive Mental Health in Youth Work: Sharing Emerging Perspectives from the Field
- Infographic: Six domains of social and emotional competencies
Documents have been translated into the following languages:
- Practice Brief in Italian language
- Practice Brief in Dutch language
- Practice Brief in Macedonian language
- Practice Brief in Spanish language
- Practice Brief in Czech language
- Infographic in Italian language
- Infographic in Dutch language
- Infographic in Macedonian language
- Infographic in Spanish language
- Infographic in Czech language
Practical manuals and handbooks for practitioners:
- Promoting Positive Mental Health in Youth Organizations
- Designing Positive Mental Health Youth Programs: Key Characteristics and Best Practices from the Field – a Youth Workers Manual
- Appendix A: Resources with strategies and activities for promoting social and emotional competencies
- Additional resource with practical strategies: Switch it on. Manual on Emotional Intelligence in Youth Work
Training curriculum: