The ‘Learn & Play: Home edition’ project is a project that aims to assist teachers and educators in their preparedness and adaptation to teaching school children (6-11 years old) on wellbeing. It is in general not an easy topic to bring into the classroom due to for example stigma around it, and in the face of the trend towards the digitalization of education the tools and competencies of teachers could need some extra support.
In this project a theoretical framework with a novel wellbeing-competency model for children is developed. Based on the competency model a series of more that 15 class-room activities are developed that can be employed with schoolchildren to develop their social and emotional competencies which are essential to increase and maintain wellbeing. 5 of these activities are developed as digital activities that students can do from home. All activities are available in English, Dutch, Spanish, Slovenian and Latvian.
Project results are available on the resources page of this website.
The project partners are Anatta Foundation (Netherlands, coordinator), Lidzdalibas platforma (Latvia), IVIZ (Slovenia) and Euroaccion (Spain). This project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU under number 2020-1-NL01-KA226-SCH-083101.

Project partners